Molecular Microscope® Diagnostic System (MMDx®) measures gene expression in biopsy samples of kidney and heart transplant patients. This whole-genome microarray chip technology uses machine-learning algorithm to calculate probability scores for particular rejection types, acute injury or fibrosis. MMDx is not intended to replace histology, but can be used for the objective assessment of challenging cases.
Depending on severity of transplanted organ rejection or injury, particular genes are activated and produce unique patterns of RNA.
Using chip technology, thousands of different mRNA are quantified simultaneously, compared to reference sets of 5087 measured kidney and 3000 heart biopsies and evaluated by machine-learning algorithm.
The result is graphical output, where examined biopsy is displayed against the background of biopsy reference set which are coloured according to the type of rejection.
Fill in the order form below. Tubes will usually arrive within a week of your order being processed.
Fill in the order form below. The data from the form is not stored anywhere. After filling in the form, a QR code will be generated. Just print it and attach it to your shipment.
During standard biopsy of transplanted organ collect a minimum of 5 mm of kidney biopsy sample or at least 2 bites of endomyocard and immediately place it in the labeled sample tube with RNAlater®. The sample should be completely submerged in RNAlater®. Make sure that the sample tube screw cup is fully tightened. Place the labeled tube in the provided small clear biohazard bag, seal it and place it to FedEx Clinical Pak.
Ship samples to the Laboratory of Molecular Medicine IKEM (Centrální příjem vzorků IKEM, 4. patro, Vídeňská 1958/9,14021, Praha 4 Krč). All samples regardless of type of storage should be sent at room temperature.
a) Immediately after collection
b) For a maximum 6 days after collection: store at 4°C until shipping
c) Longer than 6 days after collection: leave sample at 4°C overnight to allow the
RNAlater® solution to penetrate the tissue. Move sample to -20°C.
Results are generally available within 1-2 (kidneys) or 3 (hearts) business days of receiving the sample. Some samples may require additional processing time if the RNA yield is low. The sample must be delivered to laboratory until 8 a.m. to start the analysis the day of delivery. In urgent cases, please, contact the lab to make arrangements using e-mail: or mobile +420 607 040 579.
The results can be accesses by logging in to your account in the IKEM portal
under your login and password for 1 week. You will be notified by e.mail, when
the result is available. In case of any confusion regarding the MMDx ordering or interpretation of the result, please contact Laboratory of Molecular Medicine IKEM (, tel: +420 607 040 579).
Ústavy soudního lékařství
Pediatrická péče
1., 2., 3. LF UK a ÚVN Praha
ÚBLG FN Motol – molekulárně genetická laboratoř a klinicko-genetické poradenství
Klinika Pediatrie FN KV Praha
FN Olomouc
Dětské kardiocentrum FN Motol
KEM (klinický genetik / kardiogenetik)
Ambulance pro rizikové děti a SIDS, Thomayerova nemocnice Praha
FN Hradec Králové
FN Olomouc
FN Olomouc (klinický genetik / kardiogenetik)
FN Ostrava
FN Ostrava – Oddělení klinické genetiky
FN Plzeň
České Budějovice